I love just about everything Mike Masnick writes (even though I throw in the occasional asterisk to his techno-optimist viewpoint ). He recently posted this piece on the hysteria that has surrounded Hollywood each time a new technology shows up on the scene to threaten it . This latest example comes courtesy of Mary Pickford (), claiming that Pay TV will be "the death of the motion picture industry." Or, in a similar vein: Of course, this has clearly not come to pass, and I can appreciate Masnick's point about history repeating itself, but I say in the comments: The difference between the disruption seen in 1959 and the disruption today, is that it was two different (but related) industries that were vying for control of a distribution medium. Throughout media's modern history, the reigns of power have changed hands but there was still scarcity in play (sometimes artificial, sometimes natural). The gatekeepers changed positions, but they were always gatekeep
It's my name. It's what I do.
Commentary from the Crossroads of Technology and Culture.