Blogger A^3 spent a little time pondering my writings on Intellectual Property and the Knowledge Economy here . I thought I'd offer my response to his post here as well, as I thought it tightened up some of my earlier writings on the subject. Also, it's a shame to waste that much decent writing in a comment response. Thanks again A^3. My response follows: --- A^3: Thanks for speaking well of my blog posts. I'm very glad that more and more people are giving thought to these issues. I think the key point when talking about that which can be meaningfully measured by economics, is that the Supply/Demand curve is based on *scarcity*, and in a world where *scarcity* is mostly artificially induced (via copyright and patent), the system is fighting a losing battle to cram 21st century ideas of production into 20th century framework of capitalism and property. The problem with the 21st century is dealing with *abundance* not *scarcity*, and traditional capitalism is a tool t...
It's my name. It's what I do.
Commentary from the Crossroads of Technology and Culture.