Yesterday I posted about the Wagoner firing being a smokescreen --a bit of PR to throw a scapegoat before an angry mob weary of bailouts. Here are the options: Option 1) GM can build more inexpensive fuel-efficient green cars Option 2) GM can preserve UAW jobs, contracts, and legacy commitments Option 3) GM can be profitable Pick two. The math doesn't work out any other way. It is an impossibility. Analysis: Option #1 is pretty much a given under the current administration and Congress. CAFE standards and a near religious-like zealousness amongst the Democratic party base has pretty much settled this issue. I failed to state that, even though wildly improbable, my preferred method of dealing with this is that we back off the environmental jihad, and let American car companies make cars Americans want and turn a profit. However, GM building more fuel-efficient cars is a federal mandate, because anthropogenic climate change is for all intents and purposes a secular religion, and not...
It's my name. It's what I do.
Commentary from the Crossroads of Technology and Culture.